Change Your Routine – Change Your Life
The word ‘routine’ often has negative connotations associated with repetition and boredom, but this does not have to be the case!
In fact, ‘routine’ can be a highly effective secret weapon for achieving your most important goals.
Whenever you set a major goal, you should ask yourself this important question:
Let me explain how this works using a real world example:
This year, my partner and I have decided to learn to salsa dance. We both have a dancing background so our goal is to perform a dance routine together on stage before the end of the year.
Although our goal has a target date of the 31st December, we know that in order to achieve our goal we have to act NOW and make changes to our routine to include a weekly dance class.
As soon as you make changes to your routine and schedule in the activities necessary to achieve your future goals, you essentially put your goals on ‘autopilot’.
Action Steps:
1. Review your goals and ask yourself, "How can I change my routine today in order to achieve my future goals?"
2. Take action and make the changes to your current routine to set your goals on autopilot.
3. Commit to following your routine, knowing that it is leading you to your goals one day at a time
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